Saturday, December 8, 2012

News Keywords Metatag - Google's Latest Ranking Signal

It comes as a total surprise that Google has introduced a new "keywords metatag" to be used as a ranking signal when featuring the latest News items in its search results. Surprising, mainly because Google has already dismissed or downplayed the regular metatag and Google's spokesperson Matt Cutts is on record as saying: "You shouldn't spend time on the meta keywords tag. We don't use it."

This new metatag is even more surprising when you consider Google has blasted the practice of "keyword stuffing" with its Penguin Updates in recent months. Links and content which are too "keyword" focused have virtually disappeared from Google's Index. Sites which have used SEO to "over optimized" their content have received the same fate.

So what's up with this news_keywords metatag which will let publishers give the specific keywords for a news article. The tag will be like:

<* meta name="news_keywords" content="Emmys 2012, Homeland, Modern Family, Jimmy Kimmel, tv, tv shows" *> (Please remove the *'s in your actual HTML code.)

You can use up to ten phrases for each article and each phrase should be separated with a comma, Google says each keyword will be given equal value.

Now Google is asking you to classify or help it understand your news stories. It is intended to be a helpful tool to better gather and quickly present relevant news items to its users. But is this new tag the best option for Google?

Obviously, Google from past experiences, must know this kind of tag is open to abuse. Keep in mind, although this is a News-Related tag, alert webmasters will already know Google news items often appear in general Google search results.

That's why they already have quality guidelines in place to handle this kind of content. Google News is strictly for informational material directed at current events, important happenings, timely reports... other articles such as How-to, advice columns, general weather forecasts, stock data... will not be displayed.

In its News guidelines, Google also reminds us that Google News is NOT for promotional or marketing material and won't send its users to sites created solely to promote a product or organization. Google wants unique quality articles written by experts in the field and won't accept any aggregated content. News sites should have proper author biographies with clear contact information displayed for its users. Correct spelling and grammar should be used at all times as this provides for a much better user experience.

Google also reminds us this "news_metatag" is only one ranking signal of many it uses to rank content/sites on the web. Webmasters, journalists and news organizations should take advantage of this new tool, but given Google's recent crackdown on keyword stuffing, it definitely should come with a "use with caution" warning for anyone who would try to "misuse" this new metatag.

SEO: What You Should Expect From Your Chosen Company   IP Subnetting for Your Convenience   Why Keywords Are Essential to SEO   Don't Let Your Content Disappoint Your Website   Hire Freelance Writers - Freelance Writers for Hire   RSS SEO   

The Right Way to Do SEO

Professional SEO techniques are one of the issues with most SEO companies giving out advise is that they would tell you time and again to pull down your whole site and re-do the whole thing from scratch. And this can be such a drastic step to take for any venture or company with a lions share presence online. Yes, we do understand that there are benefits using SEO when designing the website, but then you could use tune-ups and tweaks for your site which would make the website easy to use and very user friendly for the lay man as well. But don't expect to be on the top of the ranking chart overnight, however, your web presence over time would take it all the way up. Your page should have a meaningful name

Its all in the name, and when you have pages that have file names that are descriptive, search engines can follow them easily. The CMS would allow you to get them configured in the main settings automatically.

1. Your website should have optimal loading speed

Experts from SEO service providers opine that the speed of the site would be very important criteria which would affect the ranking of the page. And the best way to make the site run quick would be by the use of the right image types, for example, you should use photos of.JPEG types and graphics that have.PNG. This is because the size of the file is small and you wouldn't have to compromise on the quality as well.

2. There should be inbound links on your website

Yahoo!, Google, Ask and even Bing wouldn't say what and how to get the rankings up for your website. But it takes no genius to know that the best quality would have the best incoming links as well. Hence your sites mentioning on social media platforms such as Twitter with your email signature would be a must. Plus have your friends spread the word of your site on their blogs too, it helps spread the wings.

3. Use Google Analytics

This is just more than a tool that would read logs, it helps with goal setting, conversion tracking, helps you to see the exit and the entry pages and also keeps a catalogue of keywords that you can use. And in a fortnight it would work its magic making your website run like crazy and your mind with plenty of ideas too.

4. You should have popular pages displayed on the side-bar

With the help of Google Analytics which measures the traffic flow to your site, and that comes with your account online, it would be easy for you to check the pages which bring in the most attention from online customers. To bring more customers, you have to give them what they want, and using WordPress online would help you loads.

5. Signposts are a must

This is another tweak by the analysts and this would help you figure out where your users are heading too. This tool also would show the path to the users easily, for example if they are looking for a contact form or maybe a certain image, with the help of signposts they would find it soon on your website. This should be added to the main navigation page and as close to the content's top as possible. When your customers find it easily, the search engines would have no trouble searching for the same.

6. Have an impressive landing page

Your website should have a wonderful landing page, which should have a lovely logo, NO, don't do that. Remember, the landing page would be an assurance to the search engines that your site is better than the rest and hence would bring a truckload of users searching for something which only you would be able to give.

7. "Alt" text near images should be added

Pictures and photos cannot be searched by search engines; hence the description for the same has to be done by you. This is important so that your site is able to make it through as a well known HTML page. And you should be sure that all images are small but they should have an accurate "alt" text. And the images should have a title too, with links and a small description to each of them as well.

8. Use the help of ditch flash navigation

You can these days index Shockwave Flash content, but it would be best to make it easy for the search engine spiders to find the links on your site which customers are looking for. Hence use abundantly as many plain texts as possible.

9. Your site should be hyper textual

The search engine spiders would be able to check the relevance within the site with the help of internal references that match the website's content. This would be easier if there are links added to the entries in the body of the WebPages, for example you can use "click here" at the end of the blog post. And this would make the ranking higher and the experience of navigating around a fun thing to do.

SEO: What You Should Expect From Your Chosen Company   IP Subnetting for Your Convenience   5 Theories To Why Your SEO Strategy Fails   SEO Back Links or Unique Content? The Importance of a Balanced Approach   5 Ways To Tell Your Online Reputation Is In Trouble!   

The Benefits of Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design. I thought all web responds. No this is quite a different story, in fact a much more important story than website flash and sizzle. Responsive web design is actually and truly just plain magic. At least it seems so to designers in the coding world. But in actuality it's a wonderful gift given to us by the guru, Ethan Marcotte. It is the new method of being able to view your site just about on any screen at any size on any device. How is this possible you say... keep on reading.

Essentially responsive web design is this. It is the ability, through proper coding, to allow your site to resize itself to accommodate the changing landscape of browser. How do you view a website on a 21" desktop screen and still view it with some sort of semblance on an iPhone screen? Well you design the site to shrink. Not by any unruly scale, but only to the needs of the device or apparatus itself that the site is being viewed on.

Believe it or not, small screens and mobile devices are not the only issue addressed by this new web design philosophy. Just as much as screens are getting smaller, so are they growing. Now that televisions and computer monitors are reaching the 30" to 90" range, it is hard for site designers to not take advantage of this increase in acreage. By designing your sites in a manner that adjust to screen size, it allows you to utilize the space for more content, better design appeal, and even reduce the need for mile long scrolling. Imagine your entire home page on a 30" monitor and all the content fits in the screen at once. Sounds awesome to me!

Okay so enough of the puff piece, what are some techy details to the idea. Well for starters, it's built on fluid grids, otherwise spoken of as a liquid layout. This type of layout grows and shrinks with the screen resolution. They are not built on rigid pixels and therefore all the site elements squeeze to accommodate the screen in relation to each other. So essentially a 960px wide site can shrink down to 300px wide easily fitting on a mobile device without losing it readability.

There are a number of other design implementations that make up the remainder of this design style, and in the web design world, this is the cream of the crop. A combination of proper coding and CSS3 queries can make it even easier to allow your site to be more flexible and in turn, appeal to that mobile SEO that everyone is talking about so much these days. It also allows you to gather the nominal data you want from your visitors. If this new style intrigues you, do the research, you won't be disappointed.

Brought to you by your SEO Experts, Expert Internet Marketing Services Paving the way in Web Design, SEO, Facebook & YouTube Optimization, & Total Site Development

SEO: What You Should Expect From Your Chosen Company   IP Subnetting for Your Convenience   Commercial Roofers Website SEO Services and Success in Roofing Company's Website Promotion   Valuable Optimization Tips for Online Entities   

Successful Website Promotion on Google Using Latest SEO Tools

There are a lot of reasons why business companies should look more into hiring SEO consultants to generate better traffic by improving their website popularity. Search engine rankings are difficult to come by without sensible approach to connecting to your end user. Understanding the intricacies of search engine functioning requires the knowledge offered by people with specific skills who will be able to take your website to the new heights of company success.

In most cases, the marketing experts will charge their clients or the individuals seeking their AMP or SEO improved, a certain fee to work on promoting and enhancing their company or personal website. The work of SEO web consultants can be backtracked by seeing considerable improvements in the performance and popularity of your online business, and based on comparison of previous and existing rates and seeing real results by moving toward top search engine listings. All promotion projects that exist on the web have certain steps to take in order to attract a fair amount of new clients to the website undergoing this market strategy change. Sometimes, based on search optimization results companies will evaluate their existing customer base and website capabilities or expand their market to new areas or even worldwide, which has been shown in some stories of successful optimization campaigns.

Any ongoing SEO or AMP campaign for any company starts with evaluation and redesigning the keyword research mechanism. Keywords are unique and a main part of target search for businesses entering SEO marketing project agreements. These keywords are the real essence and power behind bringing more leads and therefore more new clients to your existing online resources. Outstanding internet marketing professionals are a rare find when you have to deal with so many offers mushrooming in the past several years. In order to find and hire a very competitive AMP marketing advisor you have to have basic understanding of concepts and mechanisms driving SEO these days and be able to distinguish between hard working experts and certain companies which are trying to take advantage of you with questionable services. The company you own and are trying to promote in the online media can have very specific requirements and features that make online existence a very complicated and fine-tuned process. Just to give you an example, if your line of trade is very general, say internet commerce of some well-known products, you might want to explore all of the niche marketing options or geographic locations to target your client base using optimization tools that will best suit this type of limitation.

The well-known process of link-baiting encompasses creating website content that attracts backlinks in a natural way. User articles and blog postings regarding the company are the most common ways to make use of links as they are introduced by the writing. After downloading and adding these links to the site's content, clients can take full advantage of sharing their information that is related to their line of service.

Depending on the particular nature of your services, all updates and new postings on the business site with all kinds of announcements can be shared with Google users and create relevant feedback from them back to your website.

SEO: What You Should Expect From Your Chosen Company   IP Subnetting for Your Convenience   Don't Let Your Content Disappoint Your Website   Hire Freelance Writers - Freelance Writers for Hire   RSS SEO   Search Engine Optimization for Beginers   

Alexa Ranking Unplugged: It's Advantages, Disadvantages, Tips and Spider Competitor Analysis

Today a lot of business have taken up online marketing, with an aim to improve their conversion rate. And that's why there is so much importance given to search engines. Many look at Google to get their business to success and many also look at the Alexa Ranking System.

Alexa has been in business since 1996 as an ISP - Internet Service Provider. Later they came up with a term called the Alexa Ranking System. The Alexa Ranking System is been used by millions of webmasters to find out the rank of their website when compared to all the other websites over the Internet. This ranking system gives them a check on the number of visitors who came to their website which is been recorded by Alexa.

The algorithm on which it works is it records the amount of traffic from users. The users have to install the Alexa Toolbar, and this information is captured over a period of 3 months. There are 2 parameters that are taken into consideration that is "Page View" and "Reach" to measure the traffic. A page view refers to the number of times a webpage is viewed by an Alexa user. Reach refers to the number of Alexa users that visit a particular website in a day.

The first step involved in the ranking process is to calculate the number of page views and reach of all the websites that are available over the World Wide Web on a daily basis. The second step involves calculating the rank which is a geometric mean of page views and reach, which is averaged over a period of 3 months.

All one needs to do is to go to Alexa and download the Alexa Toolbar. The toolbar will display the rank of the website that you visit. It also shows the websites that have been surfed by web surfers that are linked to the website that you have visited. The Alexa Toolbar now sends all this browsing data to its central server and also the IP address is recorded. Now all the users that have installed the Alexa Toolbar, their data is collected and sent to the server on a daily basis.

Hence, the more number of visitors a website has the Alexa Rank would be good, meaning the rank would be towards one. The lesser the number, the better is your Alexa Rank.

Advantages of Alexa Ranking

It can be used as a competitive intelligence tool Advertisers and webmasters can see the marketing potential of your website, because better the Alexa Rank, the higher will they be willing to pay for placing their advertisements on your website Various pages within a domain and also sub-domains are ranked the same

Disadvantages of Alexa Ranking

It depends on the Alexa Toolbar All the users of the World Wide Web might not have installed the Alexa Toolbar As the sample size is small [depending on who all has installed the Alexa Toolbar], there could be a lot of sites who get a lot of traffic but are still not ranked Various pages within a domain and also sub-domains are not ranked separately The Alexa Toolbar can only be installed over Internet Explorer and Mozilla FireFox While ranking a website SEO factors like backlinks is not taken into consideration The Alexa Ranking System can be gamed

Tips to improve your Alexa Ranking

Install the Alexa Toolbar on your browser Encourage your visitors, colleagues and clients to install the toolbar and also rate your Alexa website profile Make use of Alexa redirects to your website Make use of Alexa auto-surfs Install the Alexa code on your website Write articles on Alexa and put them on your website Ensure that your website is listed on all the search engines SEO: What You Should Expect From Your Chosen Company   IP Subnetting for Your Convenience   5 Theories To Why Your SEO Strategy Fails   SEO Back Links or Unique Content? The Importance of a Balanced Approach   5 Ways To Tell Your Online Reputation Is In Trouble!   Why Keywords Are Essential to SEO   

Web Design and Marketing Schools

There are many web design and marketing schools today to facilitate the learning of web and marketing. There are brick-and-mortar schools as well as online institutes in these growing popular learning areas.

The progressive technology today has encouraged many learning institutes of all sizes to offer web design courses that would develop great websites for commercial and non-commercial purposes.

Website development

Web design is now considered a creative tool which is rampantly available at many schools that offer Information Technology courses. These technology schools offer a wide range of technology courses such as programming, basic computing, information technology and web designs. These institutes of learning are not only available at college levels today but also at high schools and primary levels of learning.

The growing popularity of technology in almost all aspects of life creates the right environment for web based designs and sites to be taught, learned and applied. Children at young ages are exposed to the wide and powerful capabilities of web tools for an excellent website. They are able to pick up the designing skills easily with the availability of the right tools and expertise in the market and society.

Availability of experts

Today, there are a growing number of industry experts in web design and marketing from an increasing pool of talented web designers, public relations specialists, intense researchers, creative marketers and professional event planners who can contribute to the learning and application of web and marketing.

These experts have the knowledge, skills and experience to identify what works and what does not. Eager entrepreneurs can be well equipped with the right tools and resources to short cut their learning curves in setting up a successful and vibrant business venture without making all the possible errors and mistakes in sustaining a business venture.


The wide range of helps in web design and marketing in the market today enables the enterprising business owners to make progressive developments in their business ventures especially when it is an online business venture.

As more and more technological features become available to consumers who become enterprising business owners, there would be a healthy progression of business development through additional web design features that would showcase the website business more clearly and effective. Marketing efforts are less physical and weary with the assistance of better technology. The progressive technology automatically entices web business owners to the latest marketing tools to lure web consumers to their sites for greater sales and profit.

SEO: What You Should Expect From Your Chosen Company   IP Subnetting for Your Convenience   Commercial Roofers Website SEO Services and Success in Roofing Company's Website Promotion   Valuable Optimization Tips for Online Entities   

Tips on Improving Your Website's Google Ranking

A great-looking website will still be worth nothing if it does not have a high search ranking in Google. For SEO practitioners, getting the highest Google ranking possible is their holy grail. There are lots of techniques to get this done, from the perfectly accepted to downright unethical. Those who employ unethical techniques may get the rush of traffic they get in the beginning, but the run the risk of getting banned by Google if their shenanigans are discovered. To be on the safe side, use only white hat SEO in improving your website's ranking chances.

The rules change constantly because Google always make changes in its algorithm, but here are some of the tried and tested ways you can use for your website:

Always Make Quality Content

Content is still king as far as Google is concerned and it is always on the lookout for websites that publish high volumes of content that has low quality. Given this fact, it is better to have lesser but high quality content. So if you have a blog, make sure to churn out quality articles with just the right amount of keywords in them. In case you haven't heard, keyword stuffing is already a no-no.

Quality Links

As it does with content, Google is also very particular with the quality of the incoming links that a website generates. This should come naturally given their preference for content quality. This means you no longer need to publish bulk amount of articles that contain unremarkable content. Place your efforts in making a handful of articles and incoming links that have high quality. Instead of making more copies for article directories, you should focus more on doing press releases. PRs can bring in quality incoming links and can be prove beneficial for your website especially if the articles get published in major publications or by well-known journalists.

You should focus on high quality websites in order to get high quality links. A great way to get quality incoming links is to do guest postings. A neat technique you can try is wrapping links in significant keywords.

Using Google Places

If you are using your website for business purposes, using Google Places can prove beneficial for your rankings. All you need to do is provide basic information regarding your business, such as address, contact numbers, nature of business, working hours etc. It would help if you also add photos of your store or operation.

Use Wordpress as Blogging Platform

If you are still in the process of creating your website, then you better sign up with Wordpress. It is considered as the most SEO-friendly platform, with lots of customization options for better optimization.

The ones mentioned above are enough to get you started but to improve the chances of your website in terms of ranking, it's best to do more research for more techniques that you can use. You may find a technique or two that can prove beneficial for your website in the long run.

SEO: What You Should Expect From Your Chosen Company   IP Subnetting for Your Convenience   RSS SEO   Search Engine Optimization for Beginers   

Why SEO Should Not Be Ignored

SEO or search engine optimisation has been around for quite a long time now. Various businesses and organisations all around the world knows what SEO is. Those companies who have deployed SEO practise earlier have gained huge benefits in terms of increased web traffic to their website. Nevertheless, there are still some companies who have not yet deployed SEO just because they do not realise the real benefits of it for their business. In this article, we are going to see some of the reasons why SEO should not be ignored by various businesses.

First let us understand SEO. It is a practise through which a particular company's website gains considerable visibility in various search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Ask, AOL, Bing, etc. By increasing the website's visibility means that it will be easily found by the prospect just by entering a certain keyword (related to website) in the search. Now let us see some of the reasons why SEO should not be ignored.

Increase in web traffic - with SEO it is natural for a particular website to gain ranks and list high up in the search engines. Usually humans have tendency to click on the first few results listed on the search engine. Hence, higher the website in the engines, the more click it will get, which ultimately results in increased web traffic on that website. Improves business credibility - if your business is listed in the first page of the search engines it will look better for your brands or services. The reason behind this is that people are using Google and other such engines since past 13 or 14 years, and they know and trust that the results provided by these search engines are suitable and respectable. Thus, if your website is in the first page of the search engine, then the people will acknowledge and respect your company. Better website development - SEO practise is not only involves off web process, but it also involves on web process. Hence, keeping search engine optimisation in mind, website developers always include attributes such as alt-text, metadata, back links, title management, etc., making the website SEO friendly and high performing. Better return on investment - investing in search engine optimisation will certainly increase your business. In addition to this, it is an inexpensive service, which can help you earn lot more than what you have invested in it. With this service, traffic on your website will be increased up by 110%, which can ultimately result in high conversion rate. SEO: What You Should Expect From Your Chosen Company   IP Subnetting for Your Convenience   Don't Let Your Content Disappoint Your Website   Hire Freelance Writers - Freelance Writers for Hire   

How Important Are Backlinks to SEO?

Most SEO guidelines always state that backlinks are crucial if a webmaster wants to see any success with SEO. Unfortunately, most of them do not go into details of explaining why you should pay special attention to backlink creation. That being said, the following is why the backlink issue in SEO guidelines is vital.

1. Better page ranks Search engines award better page ranks to websites with many high quality backlinks. This in turn means that said websites get higher SERP ranks with the result of higher organic traffic levels. This is usually the boon that all webmasters long for since the success of the website will be virtually guaranteed. This is the reason why SEO guidelines say that you must work on getting high quality backlinks. Backlinks from link farms, spam blogs, new websites etc. will cause your site to get penalized or suspended from major search engines.

2. Better reputation SEO guidelines insist that webmasters should double up their backlink creation efforts so that they start enjoying the benefits of positive reputations. Quality backlinks from high traffic sites will cause readers to associate your site with high quality information and therefore a solid reputation in the niche being serviced. While creating a positive reputation will take a long time, you'll be able to enjoy very many benefits out of your work e.g. setting trends, information control etc.

3. Higher revenues The reason most webmasters create websites is so as to diversify revenue sources, something that's usually not mentioned in SEO guidelines. Creating high revenue sources is therefore a huge motivator for getting high quality backlinks. This is because a backlink from a high traffic related niche will bring you an influx of targeted traffic coming to your site for more useful information. These types of visitors tend to convert more easily because trust has already been built up in the site of origin. This therefore means that you should be advertising high quality products in a way that interests visitors without being aggressive.

4. Business relationships SEO guidelines usually fail to state the fact that getting a backlink is a show of appreciation from that website's admin. The fact that they liked your content enough to link to it means that they'll be open to the idea of working with you on other business projects and therefore increasing your chances of online success. This therefore means that you should only direct ideas obtained in SEO guidelines towards sites you would like to work with.

5. Brand creation SEO guidelines do not usually state the fact that it's very easy to create an online brand from backlinks. These brands can then spawn entire business empires centered on some given keywords. For instance, you can uncover profitable keywords and optimize content with them. Over time webmasters will link to your site using said keywords as anchor text causing people to associate them with your site. Depending on the keywords, you can get exclusive rights to them allowing you to develop an online business with relatively little competition.

In a nutshell, a budding webmaster must have a lot of forethought when it comes to backlinks and SEO guidelines, if they are to enjoy any level of online success.

SEO: What You Should Expect From Your Chosen Company   IP Subnetting for Your Convenience   SEO Back Links or Unique Content? The Importance of a Balanced Approach   5 Ways To Tell Your Online Reputation Is In Trouble!   Why Keywords Are Essential to SEO   

Penny Auction Misconceptions

As with many things that are online, penny auctions can be misunderstood. To those who don't take the time to look into what the auctions are about, penny auctions can be seen to be just another vice in the world, something to tempt people with. People must accept that sometimes they are to blame for losing their money, not the auction site.

Negative views breed common misconceptions that a lot of penny auction sites really do not deserve. The majority of these sites are there to entertain people and help them afford products that otherwise they could never buy. One of the worst misconceptions about penny auction sites is that they are illegal and out to get all your money.

This is not the case - it is up to you to make sure that the site you are accessing has the proper terms and conditions. Penny auction sites are more often than not fully upfront with what their services are and how you can participate and what your participation is going to cost you. The sites don't need to con you; they make enough money from the sheer number of bids that are made on each auction.

Another common misconception is that no one ever wins anything on a penny auction; this is simply not true either. Indeed, there are many people who have ended up with a gadget of sorts for half or more of the cost it would normally have cost them at retail price. What bidders must remember is to 'bid clever'. You should just follow the auction and make your bid when it's right for you.

Some have the misconception that there must be something untoward going on if the sites can afford to sell off all sorts of amazing items for so little, but again be assured, they make their money in a legitimate manner from the many bidders on each item. Sometimes the sites just can't win people round, for some people also complain that the deals are just too good to be true!

One of the most harmful misconceptions is when people say that the site will not deliver the items to the winners of the auctions, or if they do, items will be in bad condition. It makes no sense for this to be true, these sites want to get repeat business and will not get it if they treat their customers in this manner.

Saving Money With Penny Auctions   Things to Think About Before You Start Selling on eBay   Auction Storage Units and How They Work   Four eBay Money Making Ideas   Improve Your eBay Sales - 1   Make a Load of Money in Storage Auctions   

A Guide To Things To Sell On eBay

Contrary to popular belief that online markets are where you will find practically anything and everything you may dream of buying, there are things to sell on eBay that are prohibited or restricted. eBay is a legitimate online buy-and-sell business, one of the largest and most popular in the world, so it goes to follow that they have set rules on what can be sold and what cannot be sold on their site.

The more common items like electronics, books and clothing aren't too strict so you shouldn't have any problems when listing such items for sale, but if you intend to sell a bottle of Irish whiskey, don't even think about it. Prohibited items refer to things to sell on eBay that are not allowed and restricted items are those that only certain buyers can see and purchase, like adult material or categories like medical devices where only things like some kinds of medical instruments can be sold.

General Rules Regarding Things to Sell on eBay

Before you list an item, check the list of prohibited and restricted items to see if you have the green light. You can also browse through the product categories for information on selling and buying policies. eBay's policies follow country and state laws but the eBay team also has a discretionary say on items they think are sensitive or dangerous.

If you intend to sell to international locations, check eBay's guidelines regarding international trading and import restrictions. There are some countries that may not allow you to sell certain items to their citizens and shipping to them might get you into a legal tangle.

Check on restrictions if you intend to sell things that you think might be a bit delicate to make sure you don't violate any of eBay's rules. The site has rules for listings and also rules on intellectual property that you should read before putting anything dubious up for sale. eBay reserves the right to remove listings that violate their policies and will notify you if such happens. Additionally, you may not give away items for free if these items still violate policies and regulations. If you insist on doing so, you and the buyer will be liable for any legal problems that may arise.

Prohibited and Restricted Things to Sell on eBay

The list of prohibited and restricted items is quite lengthy, so if you're selling an item under any of these categories, make sure to click on the restrictions given. Some are obviously prohibited, such as military items, embargoed goods from prohibited countries, counterfeit currency and stamps, government documents, IDs and licenses, human remains and body parts, lockpicking devices and the like.

Other categories, like event tickets, used clothing or cosmetics, manufacturer's coupons, prohibited services, plants or seeds ask the seller to comply with several conditions if they want to proceed with listing an item. For example, used underwear is not allowed but used bathing suits may be listed as long as the item has been cleaned per manufacturer's instructions. You can find the complete list on eBay page regarding the policies so that all the things to sell on eBay that you have are sure to be purchased without a hitch.

Saving Money With Penny Auctions   Things to Think About Before You Start Selling on eBay   Improve Your eBay Sales - 1   What Are Some Good Ways To Make Money On eBay?   How Do I Start an eBay Business?   

Where To Find Storage Unit Auctions?

Are you looking for a great way to make a living by buying and selling? Then storage building auctions may be the your ticket to financial freedom and financial independence. If these ideas interest you, then you may be reading the most important article you'll ever read. A number of online retailers are actually using the abandoned storage unit auctions as a product source for the e-businesses. Many people will guarantee that it is possible to get an abandoned storage locker, which is filled with all manner of things for just a few hundred bucks.

The fact is, there is a gigantic surplus of desirable products. That you would be able to purchase at a very low price, and resell for a much higher price. The reason why? One man's trash is another man's treasure.

In any storage unit auctions, it is always advisable to study your opponents and observe which unit they are bidding on and the amount of money they may bid up to. In fact, the different types of bidders can be slotted into five categories and I'd like to brief you on the same. Firstly, you will have people with a limited supply of cash and if such a person bids against you on the options there and there is a slim chance that you will win.

So, it is advisable that you do not try to outbid such a person and you may even try get acquainted with him as in such a case he may let you have the unit. Then there are people who are interested in just metal and are not concerned about the looks. So, it should be noted that a high price is to be paid to for a unit which has just metal. Then there are types of people who belong to a certain firm or business and such people bid to win no matter what the cost is. The next type of the bidder is the one who does not look much of a competition that will surprise you by actually winning the unit. The last type of bidders are the ones who will find a unit which no one is interested in and get it at the cheapest bid possible.

Now that you have understood the different types of competition you will be facing, let me give you some tips so that you have a greater chance of being successful at storage unit auctions. Firstly, it is very important to decide the amount of money you want to shell out on the unit. Also, you must keep in mind that you will be needed to clear out the unit in a specific allotted time and so ensure that you have made all the preparations beforehand. Also, arrange a suitable place for storing the items well in advance. You must keep in mind to not get attached to the things which you get into options and remembered the basic purpose of selling those things for earning a profit. Also, before you actually throw away any item which you get in the storage unit auctions Washington make sure that your research about it so as to get an idea about its worth in the market.

Saving Money With Penny Auctions   Things to Think About Before You Start Selling on eBay   Improve Your eBay Sales - 1   Should You Import And Sell On eBay?   Where To Find Storage Unit Auctions   

eBay Selling Tips

More than 500000 people alone in USA are working with eBay as a fulltime income option. The figure itself puts many people out of the option of working and making fast money with eBay.

But a company with $18 billion net worth, having 140 million register users and generating $1000 plus every second, gives any person a great opportunity for success if they play their cards right.

I will show you a simple yet most effective success plan one should never ignore if they want to have a successful eBay career and make steady flow of income month after month.

Step 1: Set up your business plan goal.

What does this mean? It means how you want with eBay. Do you want eBay to be your full time business and income source or do you want start it as an hobby. Most of the people fail here as they start their eBay business without a proper plan and fail.

Step 2: Don't jump into selling products straightaway.

As you are starting it new have patience. Don't jump into it. Relax and enjoy the process. First thing you should do after deciding you want to make money with eBay is to BUY few products, which you can use at home or which are useful to you. The reason it to understand what a buyer feels or what it goes through his mind before buying something. THIS STEP will give you so much of first hand experience that you can't even imagine.

Step 3. Start Selling.

Now once you get the feel of how people think before buying you can start selling your items on eBay. Keep the following things in mind

- Start with selling one or two products only at a time because you have just started and need to learn more buyers behaviours

- Add the images/photos of your product so that buyer can have first hand look of what he is buying

- Use different format headlines for each ad so that you know which ads are working for you.

- Set up your "about me" page on e-Bay. It is a free service from e-Bay and will help your business look more professional

- Do a quick research on the items/products you are planning to sell. For example, check if similar products are sold on e-Bay, at what price they are sold at, does your product have high demand. This will reduce your risk of losing any more.

Step 4. Keep your promise.

It is very essential that buyer get exactly what he bought. The key to success is INTEGRITY. Make sure that buyer gets the items within the specified time or sooner the better. It will help your business to get good reviews/feedbacks. Future buyers judge you with the positive or negative feedbacks you have received from your previous buyers.

Saving Money With Penny Auctions   Things to Think About Before You Start Selling on eBay   Improve Your eBay Sales - 1   Best Tips on How to Use eBay to Make Money Online   Dropshipping For Beginners   

Why Hard Work and Effort Is the Easiest Way to Make Money Fast on eBay

As I so often tell my readers, one of the easiest ways to make money fast on eBay is to buy items inexpensively at auction and resell them at several hundred per cent profits on eBay. It's easy, and few people are doing it, yet for me this concept has always resulted in fabulous profits all year round. Why should that be?

Well the main reason I always make high profits from this idea, as do other people who know about my secret, is because two essential ingredients are required for success, and they're ingredients few people are willing to offer.

Hard work and effort! That's what goes into making a big success of the money making idea I'll tell you about today, and because the majority of opportunity seekers want to make money fast, without hard work and effort, that's the reason only a few people are willing to take up the challenge of today's easy business idea.

The business involves buying items in bulk at offline auction and reselling those items individually on eBay. These items are usually available in bulk because someone has been cleaning out their office or garage, or they're dismantling the home of a deceased relative, and these people are keen to cash in fast from their goods, without too much hard work involved, and that definitely does not mean selling them on eBay. So they take their goods to the nearest local auction house where they'll usually be sold off in one or two lots.

That local auction house is also where you'll find the majority of bidders wanting to buy items with fast selling potential, and without having to wait weeks or work hard to sell whatever they buy. So the majority of bidders buy single items, or two or three lot items at most, leaving hard workers among them to pick up big bundle lots at low prices.

Then you take your bundles home, dismantle them, clean and repair individual items and discard others not worth selling. List the remaining items individually on eBay and make at least a few dollars and maybe a whole lot more on every sale.

So what sort of products are we talking about here? There are actually hundreds or thousands of different products you'll find selling in big bundle lots daily at local auction saleroom, and ranging from collectibles like postcards and trading cards, to hobby accessories such as fishing flies, rolls of camera film, sewing threads, and so much more besides.

Saving Money With Penny Auctions   Things to Think About Before You Start Selling on eBay   Improve Your eBay Sales - 1   How Do I Start an eBay Business?   How Can Gift Cards Sell For Over Their Value   

eBay - Understanding the "Buy It Now" Function

eBay is without doubt the most popular auction site on the Internet, and this is largely thanks to the myriad options that allow both buyers and sellers to personalize their experience. From searching and sorting, to adding photos and placing bids, eBay has always understood both the relationship between buyer and seller as well as between the site and its customers.

One of these features - designed to benefit everyone - is the "Buy It Now" button.

"Buy It Now" for Sellers

eBay's "Buy It Now" button is used to indicate a price that the Seller would be happy to sell the goods for, should the buyer not want to wait for the auction to close. Of course, the Buyer accepts that by not placing a bid, they may pay over the odds for the product, and the Seller accepts that they may sell out for less than they could have done otherwise if they had let the auction run its course.

In essence, rather than setting a reserve (which increases eBay fees), or starting the auction at a high opening price (and risk not selling at all) the "Buy It Now" option communicates essentially the same message.

There's an addendum to the "Buy It Now" button, called "Best Offer", which the Seller uses to encourage Buyers to offer a value that is as close to the "Buy It Now" price that they wish to go. The Seller is then free to sell the item, or wait and see if they get a better direct offer, or until the end of the auction.

So, what does "Buy It Now" look like from the other side of the experience?

"Buy It Now" for Buyers

Besides being a convenient way to buy an item for a price that seems fair, without having to wait for the auction to close, the "Buy It Now" button also gives Buyers an easy way to compare like items on the market.

For example, Buyers can treat eBay like a regular store by using the filtering system to only see items that have the "Buy It Now" (or "Best Offer") options enabled. This does have a drawback - the Buyer might need to perform two searches in order to see auctions that don't have the "Buy In Now" button, so that they can ensure that they are still getting value for money.

Of course, Buyers can approach this the other way round, by setting watches on items without "Buy It Now" enabled, and then jumping on them at an appropriate time, or just using the "Buy It Now" option when the auction value of competing items goes beyond it.

Essentially, for both Buyers and Sellers, "Buy It Now" is a way to eke a little bit more value out of the online retail experience. Understanding these key points should help Sellers to get the most out of it, as well as allowing Buyers to understand why Sellers use the feature, and whether they are truly getting the value that they deserve.

Saving Money With Penny Auctions   Things to Think About Before You Start Selling on eBay   Improve Your eBay Sales - 1   Make a Load of Money in Storage Auctions   Selling on eBay - How to Alienate Customers   

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